An exclusive opportunity
The Badass Counseling Community:
the Badass Counseling Cmty-Plus!
your community for healing, growth, support, laughter, and connection
Cost = $89.99/month
This is a MAX BADASS COUNSELING ACCESS private community of like-minded, supportive individuals who take their growth, healing, and thriving seriously. Unlike the Badass Counseling Group on Facebook, for example, which has 37,000 members (and growing), CMTY-PLUS! is capped at a maximum of 1000 members, making the connections stronger, the work deeper, and the access to Sven greater! This is your one-stop shop for transformation into a life of authenticity and ALIVENESS!
What your monthly membership in CMTY-PLUS! gets you:
1. Full access to two critical soul courses - $170 value
Only accessible to active members.
These two courses have been specifically designed, created, written, and filmed by Sven of Sven.
It’s the real deal with extra videos, quotes, and journaling recommendations for your ongoing, on-your-own training of your soul.
This is the coursework that so much coaching out there doesn’t include in sessions, thus enabling you to do so much more work, deeper work on your own!
This is such powerful, intense work with Sven’s original content that you are encouraged to take your time, go slow, and deliberately for maximum impact.
2. “Fireside Chats”: 90-minute community Q&As with Sven, twice per month - $200 value
Increased interaction with Sven only for CMTY-PLUS! members
In comparison, Sven’s Q&A Lightning Rounds on his podcast, which streams LIVE in simulcast on TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube, last only 45 minutes and regularly get 12,000-20,000 visitors dropping in to ask questions, making it very difficult to feel heard and get your question answered.
But CMTY-PLUS! Q&As are strictly capped at a maximum of 1000 members, making it much easier to be heard and get your questions answered.
Plus, unlike live Q&As on social, there are no trolls and no people wasting your time. It’s just direct access to Sven in a community of supportive folks serious about healing, growth, peace, and happiness!
CMTY-PLUS! members can submit questions in advance in writing, or while LIVE.
CMTY-PLUS! conversation continues after 90 minutes when Sven leaves, enabling continued sharing and connection!
There is a set day/time each month so that you can make it work with your schedule to get the most out of it.
Fireside Chats are recorded for future access by those in attendance and those who missed the community Q&A.
Fireside Chats are a magical time with Sven’s experience, humor, and wisdom while answering YOUR questions on life, career, relationships, motivation, pain, family, parenting, self, and more.
Again, Fireside Chats are strictly limited to CMTY-PLUS! members only!
3. Weekly journaling prompts on different selected topics for deeper self-exploration and growth - $75 value
Posted into the community board for members to use in their weekly inner work and engage in conversation about their work.
4. Regular updates of upcoming hot topics, early book release trailers, behind-the-scenes footage, and more.
5. “S3: Sven’s Small Sessions”: Monthly drawing for 10 CMTY-PLUS! members only - $400 value
Small group (10 people), 60-minute Zoom coaching session with Sven; followed by optional group conversation (after Sven leaves the session) for more sharing, support, and connection.
6.“KICKASS Series” - $75 value
These are quarterly recorded conversations Sven has with experts in different wellness-related fields or people with fascinating and inspiring journeys to healing, growth, and new levels of excellence and happiness.
7. User-friendly access to all features and cheery administrative support.
OUR STAFF happily answers membership questions, general logistics, and billing.
OUR STAFF DOES NOT answer emotional or trauma questions, offer life advice, or give referrals to other professionals.
OUR STAFF DOES NOT read or respond to emails about your life issues, trauma, or problems.
8. CMTY-PLUS! community page with regular posts, on which community members can post inspiring quotes, share stories, and struggles, and support each other, enhancing connection with others who take the journey to thriving and ALIVENESS just as seriously and passionately as you do!
9. Long-form monthly newsletter on current life issues in soul, wellness, and growth, including inner child, long-distance relationships, religious trauma, mother-daughter relationships, father-son relationships, Holidays and families, and so much more.
10. 1 on 1 with Sven - Value: Priceless!
Monthly drawing for CMTY-PLUS! members only: a different person each month wins a 45-minute 1-on-1 coaching session with Sven via Zoom.
All CMTY-PLUS! members have PRIORITY PASS in being moved to the front of the line to be considered to be a guest on The Badass Counseling Show podcast where you will get direct coaching/soul-counseling with Sven! We get hundreds of people writing in to get on the show to counsel with Sven. As a member of CMTY-PLUS! you’ll now go to the front of the queue for consideration.
If you are not familiar with it, this is a soul counseling show, where Sven helps people sort through their problems and deepest struggles. Please feel free to download and listen to an episode or two here. Become a subscriber! It’s TOTALLY FREE!
You can remain anonymous if picked to be on the show, as Sven randomly assigns a pseudonym for you when you’re on. Thus, no one ever has to know it is you.
Simply write in to and put “CMTY-PLUS! PRIORITY PASS MEMBER” in the subject line. Then, in the body of the email, include your name and one paragraph (no more than 200-250 words) to describe your situation.
Priority Pass does not guarantee you will get on the show, but it sends you to the front of the line for consideration.
NOTE: The CMTY-PLUS! community is primarily an educational and soul coaching platform and is not a substitute for mental health counseling. Membership does not include personal access or one-to-one sessions with Sven.
NOTE: It is each member's responsibility to manage Zoom settings should you prefer not to use your camera or display your name online.