Sven Erlandson’s Badass Counseling Insights & Reflections
Lombardi Was Wrong: The Positive Power of Quitting to Succeed
What if the NFL's single greatest champion -- the one whom the Superbowl trophy is named after! -- was wrong? What if the greatest truth of life and success went counter to everything every young athlete were ever taught? What if?
Is the Greatest Fear in Life the Fear of the Unknown?
"Change will not occur, until the pain gets bad enough." For it is only pain that has the power to force a change in your core belief system. The old belief system -- about life, about yourself, about people, about God/deity, about family, about what is important, about the world, etc -- has to become so confining, so painful, so suffocating, so debilitating as to drive the person away from it, as to give the person the courage to both cut it away and pursue something new and terrifyingly unknown.